Sunday, December 18, 2011

"take a break, eat a cookie."

Busy, busy... story of my life. I can't begin to explain just how excited I actually was to be coming home for Christmas. As the days drew closer, the more excited I became. Now I'm here ten days later in my favorite city, or as I like to call it, "My city." I'm back to my origin's falling in love all over again. It's been so fun to be with family. It's not as if we do anything exciting, however it's nice to be here with them. Already I've seen a number of friends, and still have more to see before I leave once again.

I've learned a lesson of how important low maintenance friendships are. What I mean, are the friends you can say "hey" to when you have the chance, but may not know every detail to their life at the time, yet you're still special to them and vice versa. How ever, when the moment of reuniting occurs, everything is picked up where you last left it, and time goes on. Laughter fills the air, and the reminisce of old memories replays in our minds.

I feel so blessed to have a number of truly sensational people in my life. Some I call family, others friends. But all are just as special as the other. I am loving being here visiting from place to place. To everyone else, I hope you have a Merry Christmas, or Happy Hanukah, Kwanza or any other holidays that may be celebrated this holiday season!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

reality check.

Right now I probably should be cramming for finals but instead i sit with a cup of hot chocolate, feeling a need to write.

I went downtown the other day, and brought my film camera and a desire to see the area through a different eye. My feet carried me as I walked up and down the same street, in the brisk air snapping shot after shot. I'm not sure if the photos will be any good, but a smile was brought to my face as I stared at buildings painted rusty oranges and browns, and took note of twigs, trash and people. As I walked about, I noticed a man. Not the type of man most would probably stop for. An older gentlemen with a white scraggly beard, a nearly toothless grin, wearing old dirty clothes, and sitting on a bench. But for some reason, both he and I caught the eye of the other. I began walking by without giving even a simple "hello" but instead, he took me by surprise. The man began saying " I'm having a good day! Got my money early. Was supposed to get $80, but got $140 instead.. and I'm about to have a real good sandwich. Corned beef with chips. Not the type of chips from a bag, real chips! I'm Irish, and the guy bringing me my sandwich is Irish. I'm about to have a good sandwich, and I'm having a good day!" This man, perhaps homeless just kept repeating this over and over, and for some reason this brought a smile to my face. I saw something I wasn't expecting in him, and that was beauty. Something about this man was special. Maybe it was the simple fact that although he clearly had nothing, he was still so cheery about a simple corned beef sandwich and little bit of extra money coming his way. Things that the rest of us take for granted.. I felt humbled by him, and this moment.

It's that festive time of year where we're supposed to take the focus off ourselves, and notice those around. Here is my question to you.. who is it you need to notice? We live each day in and out, in and out. Running and complaining about having no time, and not enough "things." Is that what life is really about, stressing and whining? Not just today or tomorrow, but every day should be about others. So today, take the time to stop, and be humbled..

Saturday, November 19, 2011

autumn light.

The life I live wouldn't be described much as glamorous. It's simple. It's messy. It's lonely, but, it's mine. I feel I live as a Nomad traveling from place to place with no clear direction. I've begun to follow my heart, my gut. This world I breathe in is beautiful. With it's vast mountains, fresh waters, generous lands, and multitude of people. Gracious I am for being able to see so much of it already. I am living my dream.

With living abroad, in a new found place then traveling around there.. now I sit in the city I've thought of for years. The first time I travel west bound, the same time I choose to live. What an exhilarating choice. My neck stretched back as I look up at the mountains every day. My soul met, enjoying the sounds, and smells of fresh water. The inhale of coffee beans setting my nostrils on fire as I brew just another cup.

I now find myself wearing a name tag with the word "Barista." Finally, a barista. My dream job. I sit in boring classes with bright lights, taking notes five days a week. Unless of course it's a holiday. Those are the days I look forward to the most. The days to catch up on some beauty rest and perhaps explore this new place.

I am in University, learning and working for a degree. A degree in what? I'm still slightly unsure really.. but I'll get there. I'm doing the thing I've dreamt of since I was small.

Brave is what some have called me. For going after what I wanted, and finding ways to make it happen.. even when not always having every piece to every puzzle. I like to think of it more as crazy. I mean what am I doing? How did I get here?

I'm happy most days. Thankful really. But I'm lonely, and quiet on others. However, I am living a dream. A dream I once thought would never be anything more than a dream. Never did I think it would one day come true. My dream has now become my reality...