Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the support letter.

Dear Friends and Family,

Last summer I had the opportunity to travel to Northern Ireland on a short term missions trip. I was given the chance to get out of my comfort zone as I prayed for people in the streets, befriended the locals, led kids clubs, served the local community by painting houses, and encouraged the local church. I gained close friends, and an even closer family. Shortly after arriving home, an opportunity arrived for me to be an intern at Vineyard Church Dungannon in Northern Ireland.

When this idea first came up, I brushed the idea off, but it kept stirring in the back of my mind. I didn’t want to make any decisions based off my emotions, so I asked three people whom I have a high respect for to pray for me. I did not tell these people what they were praying for because I didn’t want the idea of an internship in another country to get in the way as they prayed. Eventually, the three individuals came to me one by one, all expressing similar thoughts:

1. I was having a difficult time being home due to the connection I had made with the
people in Ireland.
2. There was a “next step” and possible missions opportunity for me in Ireland
3. That I was supposed to go and not worry because it’s where God was taking me.

This only confirmed what I felt the Lord was saying to me, which was to lay my life and my dreams down and follow His plans.

During my internship, I’ll have the chance to be apart of the following.

Service Coordinator - Ensuring smooth running and effective church services
Lava - A cross-community youth club aimed at largely non-churched kids/help lead small groups
The Press - The cafe run by the church targeting people outside the church
Kids Ministry - To both churched kids and non
Administrative work

These are just a few things I’ll be a part of doing. There is so much going on over there right now, and I can’t begin to explain the excitement and joy I have filling my spirit.

I'm excited and nervous about the opportunity that God has laid before me, and I’m trusting Him to help me sort out the details to make it happen. The internship is not paid, and with my visa I will be unable to hold a job. This means all money for living expenses has to come from supporters and money saved from my part time job in the states. It’s going to take about $8,000 to $10,000 for me to live over seas for one year. This number will cover living expenses such as rent, utilities, gas, food, toiletries, etc. If you would like to be part of this mission through your monthly support or any contribution, please send an email by May 1st, 2010 to starlightdaisey@yahoo.com.

I believe with everything in me that this is where I’m supposed to go and what I’m supposed to do. I know that our God is a great God, and He knows what He is doing, so I have surrendered my life to Him. My prayer is that not only would you support me in prayer, but financially as well. It’s obvious that it will be a life changing experience, but I’m more excited for the people’s lives I’ll have a chance to touch and impact while there. I pray for blessings over each of you and your family’s lives. Thank you in advance for your time and support.

Meredith Tillery

Thursday, April 22, 2010

here we go.

It's a scary thing to put yourself out there while explaining this calling God has on your life and asking for money along the way. One of the many lessons I'm learning and working on. It's this whole "God, I hate asking people for money" thing. Then there's the whole faith issue as well, "Okay God I know that I know that I know Northern Ireland is where you're leading me, and I know you'll provide the means (money) for this to happen, but God, this is scary. I'm terrified."

I believe in God and have full faith in Him, please don't get me wrong. But it's scary to stand on a limb saying "Okay God here I am, do with me what you will and provide the means along the way." I'm learning that faith is easier said than done. It's not easy to have faith in something you can't see, at least not for me. I guess it's all a learning experience really, and isn't that really the point, to grow?