Thursday, April 22, 2010

here we go.

It's a scary thing to put yourself out there while explaining this calling God has on your life and asking for money along the way. One of the many lessons I'm learning and working on. It's this whole "God, I hate asking people for money" thing. Then there's the whole faith issue as well, "Okay God I know that I know that I know Northern Ireland is where you're leading me, and I know you'll provide the means (money) for this to happen, but God, this is scary. I'm terrified."

I believe in God and have full faith in Him, please don't get me wrong. But it's scary to stand on a limb saying "Okay God here I am, do with me what you will and provide the means along the way." I'm learning that faith is easier said than done. It's not easy to have faith in something you can't see, at least not for me. I guess it's all a learning experience really, and isn't that really the point, to grow?

1 comment:

  1. hey little sis! take great comfort in knowing that the Bible is full of people who couldn't see a way out or a way that God would provide but He did. think of Abraham and Isaac. then think of all of those fellow followers of Christ who have gone on before you to live out on that limb only to realize, the limb wasn't a limb at all but a solid branch attached to the most solid of trees, Jesus Christ. you are not alone, people are praying for you and this is part of the growing process. i can't wait till you can stand back and say, 'Wow, God you did this!' love ya loads!
