Saturday, November 19, 2011

autumn light.

The life I live wouldn't be described much as glamorous. It's simple. It's messy. It's lonely, but, it's mine. I feel I live as a Nomad traveling from place to place with no clear direction. I've begun to follow my heart, my gut. This world I breathe in is beautiful. With it's vast mountains, fresh waters, generous lands, and multitude of people. Gracious I am for being able to see so much of it already. I am living my dream.

With living abroad, in a new found place then traveling around there.. now I sit in the city I've thought of for years. The first time I travel west bound, the same time I choose to live. What an exhilarating choice. My neck stretched back as I look up at the mountains every day. My soul met, enjoying the sounds, and smells of fresh water. The inhale of coffee beans setting my nostrils on fire as I brew just another cup.

I now find myself wearing a name tag with the word "Barista." Finally, a barista. My dream job. I sit in boring classes with bright lights, taking notes five days a week. Unless of course it's a holiday. Those are the days I look forward to the most. The days to catch up on some beauty rest and perhaps explore this new place.

I am in University, learning and working for a degree. A degree in what? I'm still slightly unsure really.. but I'll get there. I'm doing the thing I've dreamt of since I was small.

Brave is what some have called me. For going after what I wanted, and finding ways to make it happen.. even when not always having every piece to every puzzle. I like to think of it more as crazy. I mean what am I doing? How did I get here?

I'm happy most days. Thankful really. But I'm lonely, and quiet on others. However, I am living a dream. A dream I once thought would never be anything more than a dream. Never did I think it would one day come true. My dream has now become my reality...