Sunday, July 17, 2011

"everywhere i go."

I think it's apparent that for the past year of my life I've been crap at this whole blog thing. It's one of those things where life get's the best of you, and next thing you know days and months have passed leaving certain things left empty. This I know should not be used as an excuse. However, I'm trying it anyway.

I sit here exactly one month away from leaving on a jet plane headed for the mothership. It's crazy to think how I've spent the past ten months of my life living and working abroad. Never would I have imagined myself at the age of nineteen, now twenty (yes, I have now reached the big "2-0") living the life I have this year. I traveled to four different countries, and experienced the world In a way I never thought could happen to me. By far, nineteen was the BEST year of my life thus far!! However, I can not wait to unveil everything twenty has to offer for me in the next year. Here is the current update of what's to come..

Three weeks after hitting American soil and re-visitng the dreaded Ohio humidity, the wheels on my Ford Explorer will head west. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's a quick hello then another goodbye as I head off for the city of Seattle! What can I say, after the year I've just had, it just didn't feel right sticking around in the "Nasty Nati." I mean can you really blame me? The decision for another move was in no way sudden or irrational, but I've been thinking of doing this for quite some time. To me, it kinda feels like now or never. Either way, I'm excited and ready for yet another challenging year.

Incase you're wondering, I'm headed to Seattle (well actually more of a suburb just outside the "Emerald City") for school in which I'm planning to study Business Marketing. I suppose like most college students this is subject to change at anytime, but for now, this is it.

For the first time in my life I'll be moving to a place I have never been, and pretty much know no one in. Crazy you call me? Well perhaps. But I like to think of it more as adventurous. If anything, this year away has taught me what kind of story I want to write with my life. Which for me, is a life out of the ordinary not doing what the media, people and the world tell me "is right." I've learned that sometimes, taking a step outside the box you've been put in is okay.

I'm excited for my life out west. I realize that in no way will it be easy (I think it's important you know i'm not completely delusional). However, I can not wait for the stories to share in the ways I learned and grew. I say.. BRING IT ON!

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not looking your approval on this decision but I do hope you're able to support me in one way or another. So, stick by my side as I continue to go forward with my future. Pray for me and read my blog entries whenever they may appear. Ohio, i'll be seeing you soon and Northern Ireland, it's going to be difficult to say farewell. It's been brilliant having your ears to hear me this past year, and I hope to have you by my side once again..


  1. woo i am excited for you, maybe i can visit you in seattle sometime
